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“The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty.”
- Proverbs 21:5
Earning wealth and keeping wealth are two very different things. In retirement, you want to both 1) maximize your goals/income and 2) maintain security and financial independence for the rest of your life -- however long that ends up being.
A.K.A., you don't want to run out of money and you want your money to maintain it's "spending power" in the face of constantly increasing costs.
We help our clients avoid these mistakes by creating tailored, research-backed investment portfolios that are designed to provide a retirement income based on your unique financial situation and retirement income needs.
We create and manage personalized investment strategies that are built around you, your goals, and your financial circumstances. These strategies are evidence-based and low-cost, helping you reach your goals, protect your wealth, and honor your Christian convictions.
Tax planning is the art of thinking about the amount you pay in taxes over decades instead of single years.
Instead of looking in the rear view mirror at what already happened, we like to look forward through the windshield to see what opportunities lie ahead.
We seek to identify and implement long-term tax strategies that will reduce our clients' lifetime tax bill by tens, hundreds, or even millions of dollars depending on the situation. That means less of your money goes to Uncle Sam and more can go to you, your family, your church, and of course, your children's children as an inheritance.
Social Security is confusing. There are lots of opinions, myths, and "rules of thumb" that can lead you astray. Much of the misleading information can lead to very avoidable bad outcomes for retirees and their retirement income plan.
We help you make an informed decision on when to file for Social Security. We don't just produce a boilerplate "breakeven analysis" and call it a day like many advisors. We create a plan that's specific to you.
And since we're not God (shocker), we don't know when you'll kick the bucket. Lacking this critical piece of information, we can only ever know what the "best" strategy was in hindsight. Because of this, we believe a better approach is to look at your entire financial situation and evaluate the various pros and cons of different filing strategies. This will empower you with the knowledge to make a well-informed decision for your situation.
We review, analyze, and make recommendations in the major areas of risk management such as life insurance, long-term care insurance, property & casualty insurance, health insurance, etc.
We seek to make sure that risks are properly mitigated. We think it is vital that you have the right amount of insurance to properly provide for your loved ones in the event of unexpected life events.
Essentially, we help you get the "right" amount of insurance (across the various types) instead of letting you unknowingly carry too little (increased risk) or too much (excess premium and cost).
You want to take care of your loved ones and avoid causing unnecessary confusion and cost in the event of death or disability.
As a part of our work together, we will discuss and then review your estate documents to ensure that your wishes and plans are appropriately captured in your legal estate planning documents.
If you still need to create your documents, we explore what documents you may want to consider and help you get this taken care of through a licensed attorney.
Whether you have a simple situation or a complex situation that requires unique family considerations, we partner with you to get your estate plan to match your estate wishes so your financial wealth passes to the next generation as a blessing and not a curse.
Medicare and healthcare options can be very confusing. We provide helpful guidance as you explore your options and seek to make the best decision for your retirement healthcare options.
Seeking to minimize cost and maximize coverage according to your needs, we assist you in finding and regularly reviewing your coverages. For example, your prescriptions may change due to your health or the cost may simply skyrocket.
Since things change quickly and often, you may want help navigating and selecting an appropriate plan as life changes throughout your retirement.
You probably want to leave a legacy. Most of what makes a great legacy, however, is not what you bequeath upon your death, but what you did and how you actually lived out your life while you were alive and well.
There are many ways to tax-efficiently support your church and the organizations you care about both during your life and at your passing.
So, are you giving in the most tax-efficient way?
We've found that most faithful and generous Christians are not aware of and do not utilize the various tax-efficient charitable giving strategies. These strategies can help you pay less in taxes and give more to the causes you care about.
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